For everyone who, like me, is missing their pub quiz, for everyone who loves book quizzes … actually, for everyone who's stuck at home in these strange sad times...
Twenty quiz questions about books - with a bird in the answer (Answers after the final question):
1) Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?
2) What species of bird is Hedwig in the Harry Potter books?
3) Which publishing house published its first book in 1935?
4) Which John Grisham novel was made into a 1993 film starring Julia Roberts?
5) Who wrote Beau Geste?
6) Which best-selling children's novel was written by Arthur Ransome?
7) Which Jack Higgins novel had a bird in the title?
8) A famous Dashiell Hammett novel featuring detective Sam Spade?
9) Ken Kesey and Robert Gilbraith both wrote books featuring this bird in the title?
10 ) Jung Chang's book about three daughters of China?
11) Lorry McMurty's gentle, episodic Western novel made into a TV series?
12) Title of a Henrik Ibsen play?
13) The only bird featured in an Adam Dalgliesh book by P D James?
14) Julian Barnes witty novel investigating the life of Flaubert?
15) Rosemary Sutcliff's children's novel featuring Marcus Aquila?
16) Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize willing novel? Made into a film starring Gregory Peck.
17) The bird in the title of an Ian Banks novel - also made into a TV series?
18) The bird in the title of Flora Thompson's heart-warming portrayal of country-life?
19) An Alastair Maclean thriller made into a film starring Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood?
20) The fourth novel in George R R Martin's Game of Thrones series?
1) Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?
Jonathan SWIFT
2) What species of bird is Hedwig in the Harry Potter books?
3) Which publishing house published its first book in 1935?
4) Which John Grisham novel was made into a 1993 film starring Julia Roberts?
5) Who wrote Beau Geste?
6) Which best-selling children's novel was written by Arthur Ransome?
SWALLOWS and Amazons
7) Which Jack Higgins novel had a bird in the title?
The EAGLE has landed
8) A famous Dashiell Hammett novel featuring detective Sam Spade?
The Maltese FALCON
9) Ken Kesey and Robert Gilbraith both wrote books featuring this bird in the title?
CUKOO (One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest and The Cukoo's Calling)
10 ) Jung Chang's book about three daughters of China?
11) Lorry McMurty's gentle, episodic Western novel made into a TV series?
Lonesome DOVE
12) Title of a Henrik Ibsen play?
The Wild DUCK
13) The only bird featured in the title of an Adam Dalgliesh book by P D James?
Shroud for a NIGHTINGALE
14) Julian Barnes witty novel investigating the life of Flaubert?
Flaubert's PARROT
15) Rosemary Sutcliff's children's novel featuring Marcus Aquila?
The EAGLE of the Ninth
16) Harper Lee's Pulitzer Prize willing novel? Made into a film starring Gregory Peck.
17) The bird in the title of an Ian Banks novel - also made into a TV series?
CROW (The Crow Road)
18) The bird in the title of Flora Thompson's heart-warming portrayal of country-life?
LARK Rise to Candleford)
19) An Alastair Maclean thriller made into a film starring Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood
Where EAGLES Dare
20) The fourth novel in George R R Martin's Game of Thrones series?
A Feast for CROWS
